Hand Feeding

Hand Feding disini saya artikan seni merawat anakan. Mulai dari menetas hingga anakan dapat makan sendiri.
Banyak hal yang perlu disiapkan dalam melakukan hand feeding, mulai dari peralatan, formula pakan dan pastinya pengetahuan. Sedikit bocoran, pertama kali saya melakukan Hand Feeding ini saya mengalami kegagalan hingga 4 baby yang saya rawat mati.hehehehe.
Oke. Kita masuk ke persiapan pertama.

Kesiapan diri sendiri.
Lha…? Katanya mo ngerawat anak burung, kok yang dibahas masalah diri sendiri to om..?
Sabar mas bro, baca terus dulu.
Perlu diketahui bersama, sebelum memutuskan hand feeding kita harus mengetahui kesiapan diri kita untuk melakukuannya, karna dalam melakukan hand feeding dutuh tekekunan dan kedisiplinan (jiah kaya kuliah aja pake tekun ama disiplin). Yoi, karana dalam pemberian makan untuk si baby tidak hanya memerlukan 1 ato 2 kali sehari. Apalagi yang masih sangat muda usianya, seperti halnya disaat kita melakukan Hand Feeding untuk baby berusia 0-4 hari kita perlu memberikan makanan setiap 2 jam sekali, nah loe g bisa ke mall, ke bioskop, jadwal pacaran juga terbatas.
Sekarang tanyakan pada diri anda sendiri apakah anda sudah siap untuk itu?
Jika anda telah siap kita bisa lanjut ke bahasan selanjutnya.
Tetapi jika anda orang super sibuk dengan kegiatan yang tidak bias anda tinggalkan, saran saya “ya tinggalkanlah urusan/kegiatan itu”
Lho…? Piye to om iki?
Lha katanya mo serius, lagian anda juga uda terlanjur niat belajar, lha ini buktinya anda meneruskan membaca.

Tempat untuk baby.
Yang saya maksud tempat untuk baby disini adalah tempat kita membesarkan baby.
Ada banyak syarat yang harus dipenuhi. Yang pertama bersih yang ke dua suhu ideal. (katanya banyak om, lha itu Cuma 2 tok. Huft…).
Hehehehe… piss..
Kebersihan merupakan suatu syarat mutlak, ya kita tau lah klo g bersih tar banyak kuman dan bakteri, bisa2 kuman dan bakteri memakan baby2 kita. (ah yang bener aja anakan burung dimakan kuman dan bakteri, segede apa tuh kuman dan bakteri)
Suhu yang ideal diperlukan biar si baby g kedinginan.
Ne yang suhu saya terapkan pada baby2 saya.

Umur baby
Suhu (Celcius aja ya)
1-5 hari
34 - 35,5
6-9 hari
33,5 - 35
10-14 hari
32,5 - 33,5
15-21 hari
30 - 32
22-28 hari
27 – 29,5
29-35 hari
24,5 – 26,5
36 hari & penyapihan
21,5 - 23,5

Busyet rangenya min dan max suhunya kecil2 amat ya. Emang bisa om nerapin teori om itu…?
 Yaps, ini adalah patokan ideal yang saya dapatkan dari banyak guru diluar negri sono (kaya uda pernah ke luar negri aja ne om). Sebisa mungkin saya menjalankan amanah mereka, saya kan pake thermostat buat ngontrol panas yang keluar dari bolam 5 watt yang saya gunakan.hehehehe
Curang ne si om. Huft

Formula Pakan:
Ini intinya. Jarang sekali ada yang mau mengatakan tentang formula pakan yang diberikan, takut kalah saingan kali ya…

Ilmu tu dibagi, mati juga g dibawa. Emang malaikat mo nanyain masalah formula hand feeding.

Lanjut besok ya.. mo nonton transformesr ne, mumpung dapat pinjeman DVD bajakannya

A Beginner's Guide to Lovebirds

    Lovebirds are so named from the way they sit close to each other, not because they are in love with each other. Lovebirds can and do mate for life, but it doesn't happen every time.
    Lovebirds are social birds and should be kept in pairs.
    They are very active and curious birds and can even be quite aggressive at times. They can chatter all day long with a sometimes very shrill sound.

5 Ways to Pamper Your Parrot

We are all busy these days and I know it's hard to meet all the demands in your life. But, it's time for a breather. Take an some time with each of your feathered kids and give them the royal treatment. I know some of you out there have multiple birds, so it doesn't have to be all the parrots in the same day! Get into the habit of doing at least a short version of this regularly. Your parrots will thank you!
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Flying Habits Of A Parrot

Have you ever sat and watched parrots fly? They are remarkable creatures at the best time, but to see them flying and gliding is true delight.The view a parrot flying always fascinated the human mind and the mystery was not solved until recently, thanks to technology and research that provides the definitions individuals to glide and flight.
Did you know that not all birds fly, and that the gliding and flying are two separate actions at all? Flying is a company full of spirit rather expensive and adaptation to specific demands by the birds. A bird that does not need to fly will lose its potency fly, like birds that have

Parrot Psychology

Just like the kids rely on parents to love and care, as well as pet parrot. They depend on us to provide, stimulate loving, safe and social environment. poor care, both physically and mentally, can cause illness, depression and death in parrots.
Parrots are one of the most beautiful animals, intelligent, and charming. As a friend, they require more attention than dogs or cats and they are demanding more oversight and maintenance. These birds can leave upwards of 60 years and beyond. They are known for their intelligence and their ability to speak. Because of their intelligence, it is vital they are given ade

Feed Quality Parrot Parrots Need To Stay Healthy

Parrot owners could inadvertently harm their pet parrots if they do not give a variety of parrot feed correct. What most pet owners fail to realize that the feed quality pet parrot they receive is very important to the welfare of their birds. All birds unfortunately the seeds of love and eat these foods often parrots only receive in captivity, while their counterparts freely indulge in fruits and vegetables, receive abundant vitamins and minerals.
Parrots precious pets by their owners, and often loved and well taken care of. They have become indispensable and admired

Lifespan Of The Parrot Tool You Have A Pet For A Lot Of Years

Parrots are one of the most intelligent birds, and surprisingly impressive with their ability to speak. Interestingly, the life span of parrots can be very long, giving you more time to bond with each other. An average age of a parrot can range from 5-85 years or even more, depending on the breed.
For those who want a parrot with a long life, it becomes a matter of choice of breed. Although, in captivity, age parrot can be a little longer than those in the wild, but kept parrots as pets still need adequate care and attention that this o have a long life.
Unique characteristics of a parrot makes it very different from other types of birds and very helpful for you when you consider investing in pet. If you're ready to choose